About the S-I-V-J Prompt of the Week

Each week, you’ll see a new S-I-V-J discussion prompt. The prompt revolves around Strengths, Interests, Values, and Job Readiness, and provides your child with an opportunity to better understand themselves and the unique contributions they bring to their family, their class, and their community.


A talent is an activity you are naturally good at, but a strength is the ability to show regular, excellent performance in that activity. To build a talent into a strength, you need to really practice hard and build your skills over time.


Interests are things you like to do. They keep you excited and engaged over a long period of time. When you understand what you are interested in, then you can choose activities and careers that are enjoyable and satisfying.


There are two types of values. The first are the conditions that help you work best. For example, do you prefer to work on your own or with others? Do you like working indoors or outdoors? The second category includes the things that make you feel valued, such as getting praise or rewards for completing a project, or knowing that you are helping people.

Job Readiness

What are the tools and skills you need to be job ready? Job readiness means you have many of the essential skills needed in any job, no matter the industry or role. There are many essential skills, including self-awareness, patience, communication, imagination, problem solving, independence, curiosity, and more.

Why are strengths important?
