CMSGO provides new content and resources each week for parents and guardians to
use with their kids. Work with your child to read and discuss lessons… to explore
spotlighted jobs… and to use the SIVJ prompts. You can also access our parents’ webinar
series. And please make sure your child is completing two 20-minutes sessions each
week to get the most from CMSGO!
Weekly Updates

Read &
Each week, Beable will share a lesson with you that your child has access to. Take the opportunity to read through the lesson and engage your child in discussions around the topic. Each lesson comes with discussion questions for this purpose. If your child hasn’t read the lesson yet, direct them to the career building in the community map and have them look for the lesson title.

Each week, we will share a new career, with a description, the associated RIASEC code, and Lexile reading requirements. Have a conversation with your child. Is this a career that they think would be a good fit for them?

Each week, you’ll see a new S-I-V-J discussion prompt. The prompt revolves around Strengths, Interests, Values, and Job Readiness, and provides your child with an opportunity to better understand themselves and the unique contributions they bring to their family, their class, and their community.

Webinars will be scheduled throughout the year to give you updates on CMSGO and to provide ideas and resources you can use to engage and support your child on the path to reading proficiency, academic success, and lifelong success.
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About the S-I-V-J Prompt of the Week
A talent is an activity you are naturally good at, but a strength is the ability to show regular, excellent performance in that activity. To build a talent into a strength, you need to really practice hard and build your skills over time.
Interests are things you like to do. They keep you excited and engaged over a long period of time. When you understand what you are interested in, then you can choose activities and careers that are enjoyable and satisfying.
There are two types of values. The first are the conditions that help you work best. For example, do you prefer to work on your own or with others? Do you like working indoors or outdoors? The second category includes the things that make you feel valued, such as getting praise or rewards for completing a project, or knowing that you are helping people.
Job Readiness
What are the tools and skills you need to be job ready? Job readiness means you have many of the essential skills needed in any job, no matter the industry or role. There are many essential skills, including self-awareness, patience, communication, imagination, problem solving, independence, curiosity, and more.