Parent Directions:
- Make sure everyone has a RIASEC Tally organizer and Resource page that reminds
everyone of what the different RIASEC letters mean. - Play the video/Show the image.
o Younger kids might have an easier time completing this activity by looking at
the final image rather than the video.
o If you are showing the video, remember that you can stop it along the way or
show it multiple times.
o Feel free to have discussions as you go to help your child think about what
they are seeing/hearing. - As you watch the video/image, everyone should make a tally mark for each image or
activity they see that interests or appeals to them. Tally marks should be made in the
hexagon. - Everyone should count up their tally marks and discuss:
o Does everyone in the family have a similar number of tally marks?
o What were some of the activities/jobs you saw/heard that were most
interesting? Which were not interesting?
RIASEC Theme | Traits | I like to… | Careers |
Enterprising “Persuaders” | Influence, persuade, sell, compete, or lead people and projects to achieve organizational goals. | -Debate ideas -Persuade people -Start businesses -Sell things | Marketing and sales, entrepreneurs, politics, law |
Enterpricing people like activities that require them to persuade and lead others. They are often energetic, ambitious, adventurous, sociable, and self-confident. They enjoy working in environments that reward them through the attainment of money, power, and status.
People who are Enterprising might like:
- Leading group activities
- Convincing people to buy a product
- Talking to other people
Enterprising Theme Image

Investigative Theme Tally Organizer
- Watch the Video or review the image on the Realistic RIASEC Theme.
- Every time you see or hear something in the video that interests you, place an “X” in the

Total Tally Marks: