The Future is Waiting.
चल दर!
मुख्यमंत्रियोंजाना is all about you—all about where you want to go in your life. Will you be a teacher? Work with computers? Start your own business? It’s time to dream big dreams! That’s what CMSजाना helps you do!
मुख्यमंत्रियोंजाना is all about you—all about where you want to go in your life. Will you be a teacher? Work with computers? Start your own business? It’s time to dream big dreams! That’s what CMSजाना helps you do!
So, explore CMSजाना here, then use it every day throughout the school year.
Today’s Newest Tech to Help You Know Your “Why”
मुख्यमंत्रियोंजाना uses the newest technology to make learning fun. You’ll create your own ‘GoProfile’ that includes hobbies, interests, and goals…what you love to read about…all the things that make you, you. By knowing your interests, you’ll get to know your “why.” CMSजाना then points you to the just-right jobs, for you. The just-right lessons, for you. The coolest articles on topics you choose. CMSGO takes you where you want to go.
RIASEC और Lexile®
दो शब्द जिनका आप हर समय उपयोग करना शुरू करेंगे
रियासेक क्या है?
It’s a simple survey that helps you learn what interests you most. Then CMSजाना matches your interests to some super-exciting jobs. Are you Enterprising, Artistic, or Social? Realistic, Investigative, or Conventional? With CMSजाना, you’ll learn your three-letter RIASEC code and explore jobs that match your interests, because the closer a job matches, the more successful you’ll be!
और लेक्साइल क्या है?
It’s your reading level. The higher your Lexile level, the stronger your reading ability. Every job requires a particular reading level. Just as CMSजाना helps you zero in on careers, it also helps you develop the reading skills required for those careers.
हमारे क्षेत्र में कैरियर के अवसर
शीर्ष उद्योग
बढ़िया कंपनियाँ
लोकप्रिय नौकरियाँ, वेतन
पढ़ने का स्तर आवश्यक
शुरू करना…
यह आसान है। यहां आपको बस इतना करना है:
लॉन्चपैड में लॉग इन करें और बीबल आइकन पर क्लिक करें।
Take a Quick Survery
अपना लेक्साइल पढ़ने का मूल्यांकन पूरा करें।
अपनी GoProfile को पूरा करने के लिए स्टार्टअप असिस्टेंट का पालन करें।
...फिर हर सप्ताह
Every day, help yourself by taking another step toward your future. Follow this daily, three-step routine to complete your assigned reading lessons. By making the routine a habit, you’ll go faster to reach your full potential. The habits are easy to remember—they’re the 3 R’s: